For the longest time I have had a infatuation with how life was in the 40's. Years ago I watched a documentary about how life was when WWII started. It made me think just what did my Grandmother and Grandfather go through? At that time she would have had 4 or 5 children she was raising, how she had to save scraps and how to make sure there was a meal for the next day. I distinctively remember how she would save her pasta water and let it cool only to add it to her plants later. When your young you don't think little memories like that mean much but when your Grandparents are gone and you remember those little tid bits, it kinda makes sense why she would re purpose that water. She more than likely had to re purpose a lot of things. Oh how I miss those talks with my Nana. This is what I am my currently reading
The Beantown Girls by Jane Healey
This is a subject most men will turn their head away from but let's keep it real guys. Your lady has a period and if you are a father, your daughter will have one. What most don't realize is the need for period supplies. I can distinctly remember being in school and not having the supplies needed for a unexpected period. Back then our school counselor did not have supplies on hand like most schools do these days. I took a pledge to help #endperiodpoverty by starting a conversation during Period Poverty Awareness Week May 25-31. Even after May 31, I will still honor my pledge and continue to spread this information. What can you do to help?
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